Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Post: An Apology

sorry it's been so long. the good thing about it is, though, is that i have a nice backlog of photos for you. here are six pictures for you... mostly the boy. but fun times. i'll have six more soon, and then i'll have two sets of six of Haylie. So, here goes!

I love how into the music he is when he plays.

I made those plans and that pyramid from them.

Bottoms up!

The boy and John Patrick are cooler than you. Plus, they're on a boat!

Again, how can you not be in love with this man?

I love the character of the bier garden. And I love these shoes.

Ok lovelies, I'll have more for you sometime soon. I've got a kickball picture and other fantastic things. LOVE YOU!

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